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the Covenant experience narrative

The Blue Tribune is your place to learn about all things Covenant and keep up with stories from campus and beyond. By guiding you through the different aspects of Covenant, we'll help you decide if you want to pursue your very own Covenant experience.

President Halvorson Interviewed on "Anchored" Podcast

Covenant College President, Dr. Derek Halvorson, recently gave an interview on Anchored, a podcast released by the Classical Learning Test. 

The Covenant College Difference

The interview began by focusing on Dr. Halvorson’s background, particularly how he chose Covenant College as an undergraduate student. He described the contrast between a number of other colleges as he visited them. While he visited a number of other schools, Dr. Halvorson highlighted that what drew him to Covenant was the diligence and sincere investment of Covenant students in their education and their faith.

Dr. Halvorson and the podcast host discussed the way that Covenant combats the issue of “mission drift,” or the danger of colleges to stray from their original goals and their church background. According to Dr. Halvorson, the oversight of the Presbyterian Church of America through the trustees at Covenant is essential to dealing with this issue, particularly in the hiring process of professors.

Reformed Tradition and Classic Literature: How the two Work Together

They also addressed the question of how the Reformed tradition views classic literature, considering the fact that it is often not Christian. Dr. Halvorson explained that the Reformed tradition focuses on common grace. As a result, there is a deep respect for the works of past scholarship and the classics, though they worked from a different worldview. This view of the classics allows students to respectfully study past thinkers in their courses at Covenant while recognizing the flaws in their worldview.

To hear the full conversation, find this episode of the Anchored podcast here.

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